Wednesday, August 06, 2008

August Monthly Visions - Get out of your own Way!

August Monthly Visions: Get out of your own Way!

I have had the most inspiring week here in LA with the same message being driven home to me over and over again: Let your self have a great life and get out of your self’s way as it moves quite naturally toward this!

On Wednesday we were feeling drawn to go to the Agape centre where Michael Bernard Beckwith (from The Secret) does a service each week. We weren’t sure he’d be there as we’d heard he was due in Hawaii for an event the next day. We’d also been advised to get there about an hour early as parking was apparently hard to find. It was 6pm by the time we made our way back to the car after an afternoon exploring the colourful Venice Beach, about half an hour away from Agape at that time of day. The pre-service meditation was at 6.45pm. I knew we’d make it there in time, so I just prayed to the angels to please take care of the parking for us. I said we’d need to find one straight away, right outside the centre.

Sure enough, we arrived around 6.35pm and were greeted by a parking usher, pointing us toward a space right next to the centre! We strolled inside and received a program for the evening. Michael Beckwith would be there! Not only was he there, but as he stepped on stage he let us know that tonight would be a very special event as they were filming it to be included as a CD in his new book Spiritual Liberation (Nov 11 2008). There was music, dancers, the launch of his single ‘Energetic Shapeshifter’ and of course plenty of motivational, empowering words from Michael!

This man is one of the most powerful, electric, enlightened speakers I have ever come across. Pure streams of consciousness poured out of him at warp speed, light and love and joy and passion seemed to be bouncing through him into the audience, the energy of ‘anything is possible’ was inescapable. This was not one of those mind-driven motivational talks that give you a hit of feel good only to leave you feeling a bit ‘left hanging’ in the morning. His words were coming from a place of Spirit, a place that my essence recognises as home and as truth.
My spirit and essence was jolted awake and reminded: You are here to be in joy, love, peace, prosperity, fun, passion, greatness, light, creativity and anything else you can imagine. You can be in all those things right now this second because that’s what you are, and that’s what you are in if you let yourself be in it, and the only thing stopping you – or allowing you – to be in these things is your perspective. Change your perspective, it will immediately shift your feelings, and as your feelings shift it is only a matter of time – be it minutes, hours, days or weeks – before your outer reality does a quantum leap shift to meet your new vibration.

I was reminded that whenever we are not in these things the only thing stopping us is our own self – our mind, our thoughts, our ego, our worries, our mental chatter, our what if this or what if that, our but’s, our should’s, our can’ts – I was reminded that it really is as simple as pressing stop or eject on all those energies. They do not serve, they do not help, they are not helpful in any way any more. Let them go.

His dance single Energetic Shapeshifter has a few lines that I love: “You might as well give in and be happy, you might as well give in and be great, you might as well give in and be prosperous, you might as well, you might as well.” We choose our thoughts and our feelings and our experiences every day, so why not choose greatness, happiness, peace, why not? Why do we make it so hard for ourselves?

On the weekend I attended the A Call to Awaken seminar by my friends Story Waters and Lee Harris. You can listen to an interview about it on my radio show, or download the podcast. Story said something that repeated Michael’s message: In these times, the universe is so greatly supporting us and pushing us to awaken that even if we try to resist it will be like running downstairs on an upward moving escalator! We’re still going to awaken. We’re still going to move into our higher selves. So we can do it the hard way – kicking, screaming, resisting, putting in front of us all the reasons why we can’t possibly have the life and reality of our dreams – or we can give in and turn around and let ourselves be taken up the escalator into all the goodness that is awaiting us and that is right here right now if only we open up our eyes and ears and heart and perspective to see, hear and feel it!

My guides keep repeating a message to me: let go of all your fear, doubts and worries, allow yourself the idea that the most wonderful, amazing experience/dream/goal/desire you could possibly imagine can come true/happen/come to you. Allow yourself the idea that it can happen within the next month! Allow yourself the idea that what we have planned for you, if you just let us give it to you, is greater than your wildest imaginations!

This whole experience has been a journey of faith. We packed up our lives in Australia and headed here with no specific plan other than to follow our guidance and go where the wind took us. So far, our itinerary has unfolded before us more full and wonderful than we could have imagined. We have received invitations from friends and friends of friends and people we just met to stay with them whenever we are in their town – which we happen to be going to the next day. Synchronicities are everywhere when you open yourself to the direction your soul is guiding you toward.

Lately, I am also realizing it is meant to be a journey of fun. Story channelled through a brilliant piece of guidance which my own guides have been telling me for a while now: let go of the sense of mission and have fun, enjoy yourself! If working for humanity and the planet gives you joy, then do it. But if it would give you more joy to lie on a beach somewhere, then do that! The message was so strong that we decided to include the clip in the radio interview so you can listen to it yourself. His channelling said that at the end of our lives we are not judged on whether we did enough to help the planet, or if we successfully sorted out our issues. We are asked one question: Did you enjoy your life?

So I am here enjoying my life, and part of my joy is to do this work that I do. I would do it even if I didn’t get paid for it and for many, many years I didn’t get paid, but I did it anyway because I can’t imagine not doing it. I just kept doing it, and the universe has always found a way to support me. So don’t think about doing what you love when you have the money. Do what you love and the abundance will come – in one form or another.

So today ask yourself, are you enjoying your life? What is stopping you from enjoying it? Start with the things you can shift right now: your perspective, your feelings, your inner world. We are not here to be stuck in stagnation or live in a density of our own making and choosing. We are here to create a great life. We are here to enjoy our life. I know that these words can bring up anger in people especially when you feel you are stuck in a life or density not of your choosing. Consider that on some level it is your choosing, and ask yourself what would I have to believe to have chosen this? We cannot make a permanent change in our reality, until we know why we have chosen the one we are currently in. Otherwise we will keep subconsciously choosing it!! So find out what you believe to be possible, what you believe to be true, what you believe to be impossible. Change your beliefs if you feel they are not serving you, unchoose your reality and in the words of Michael Bernard Beckwith start to energetically shapeshift your life!

(c) Dana Mrkich 2008

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