Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Alphabet Intuition Exercise

I always like to investigate new ways of accessing my subconscious and intuition. Our beliefs, feelings, fears and desires can override our own natural knowing, creating foggy filters over our otherwise clear lens - especially when we have an emotional attachment to the answer or guidance.

My question of the day was about balancing my hormones which are doing much better since I changed a whole bunch of stuff in my diet recently. I asked if there was anything more I needed to be totally balanced, and asked for the answer to come via the numbers of the alphabet so that I knew I wasn't consciously influencing the answer. I think I expected the name of a vitamin or certain food to come through, but instead I got this:

10: J
15: O
25: Y

Okay then!

Anyone else want to try this? Find a quiet space, get clear with your intention, ask a simple question and ask to receive the answer via the numbers of the alphabet. One by one, trust each number as it comes into clear focus and write it down. Share here!

P.S I tried this again with a query I feel more emotionally attached to and it didn't work so letting go of the emotional attachment to a desired answer is key. For that reason you may want to start with a question that doesn't generate a huge emotional trigger.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2015


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